Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Honkeydonk Badonkadonk

go get me a kid
with a good-looking face
bring me a kid
can remember his place
some hungry poet
son of a bitch
he gets to be famous I get to be rich

or bring me a girl
they're always the best
you put 'em on stage
and you have 'em undress
some angel whore
who can learn a guitar lick
hey, that's what I call music
- "Joe" by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers

Music has officially hit a new low. If you haven't heard "Honkeytonk Badonkadonk" and seen the uber-ridiculous video, you need to check it out.

I mean seriously, what the hell is this? It's a country rap video for crying out loud!! I laughed my ass off. And sadly, this heaping pile of elephant shit will likely get heavy rotational play. What's happened to music? I'm a music fanatic (read: elitist music nerd) so awful shit like this offends me to the core. Music used to mean something. It truly has the power to be a catalyst for change or to give a voice to the disenfranchied. And music doesn't have to be socailly or politically charged to be relevant. Well written lyrics and musicianship are all you really need to ceate a good song. Sadly, most popular songs lack any substance whatsoever. Just listen to the lyrics of Honkeytonk Badonkadonk. C'mon, "and now it's on like donkey kong"? Was this written by a five year old?? And for some reason beyond my understanding people continue to listen to and promote the creation of this stuff. Just take a look at some of the other shit that's been put out there:

And there's thousands of other songs equally as bad out there. That anyone would be made to listen to this crap is cruel and unusual punishment. I could let retarded monkeys loose in my shed and they'd come up with better music than this. Sad this is what has become of 'popular' music. John Lennon must be throwing-up in his grave. Eh, maybe I shouldn't be complaining. I'm sure the next time I'm drinking and the Pussycat Dolls come on, I'll start with the "suck my beep..." comments before the song's ten seconds old. And we know that's always fun.


Life I Cho' said...

And I thought Hindi hiphop was as low as it could get

Anonymous said...

i've got money in the bank so shut your beep