I mustve dreamed a thousand dreams
Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
Theyre moving into the street.
Now did you read the news today
They say the dangers gone away
But I can see the fires still alight
There burning into the night.
Theres too many men
Too many people
Making too many problems
And not much love to go round
Cant you see
This is a land of confusion.
Genesis - Land of Confusion
Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
Theyre moving into the street.
Now did you read the news today
They say the dangers gone away
But I can see the fires still alight
There burning into the night.
Theres too many men
Too many people
Making too many problems
And not much love to go round
Cant you see
This is a land of confusion.
Genesis - Land of Confusion
After eight months of working and traveling around the south, I feel I can definitively say that I hate this place (it has been pointed out to me that my hatred may only apply to the deep south, but that's a matter of semantics). The south is just not my place. Here is why I hate this place:
1) The Racial Divide
Say what you want, but it's still segregated as hell down here. Different races tend to have their own neighborhoods and racism still abounds. What people wouldn't dream of saying up north due to common decency is throw around here as if it means nothing at all. Just listening to people down here talk (decent people that I've worked with) is rather disheartening. If you are gay or colored or otherwise different from the average white-man down here, there is an inherent bigotry towards you that you will have to overcome
2) Welcome to... 1977?
Seriously, coming to this place is like stepping into a time machine. There aren't Starbucks at every corner (which I'm sure seems great until you're looking for a decent cup of coffee in the morning and all you find is Bubba's discount gas) and the whole region has a sort of innocence to it, like it hasn't been perverted by the hedonism of modern culture. Okay, I guess that's cool and all, but living in the past will only make you aversive to the present. Walking into a bar here and seeing confederate flags everywhere.... I mean, come the fuck on! You guy lost the war (and it's the Civil War, not the War of Northern Aggression you dumbasses) and it's time to realize you're part of this fucking country. Get rid of your damn flags and don't give me that 'it's part of our culture' bullshit. You mean a culture of racism and slavery? It's 2007, time to act like it
3) No Dunkin Donuts
Really, why aren't there any down here? No where else can you get an iced coffee and a croissant breakfast sandwich. I beg of you Dunkin Donuts, the South needs you! And while were at it, I miss Wawa too. They need to start spreading. Can we just replace McDonalds with Wawa? Is anyone against this?
4) The Environment
They don't care about the environment here. My background is in environmental science and I love nature... yeah, this bothers me a tad bit. Try and find a place to recycle here. I dare you. Hunting for sport is commonplace (let's kill animals so I can feel like a real man!), and everyone down here drives a truck. Here's my problem with trucks: economically they make no sense and they're AWFUL for the environment. Now if you need a truck to haul stuff or go off-roading, that's one thing, but how many people are actually using their trucks for that? These things eat gas like a fat man at a buffet. And you have all those Chevy and Ford ads basically telling you that trucks are the 'All-American' vehicle. What a bunch of crap. All these things do is abuse the environment and help to perpetuate American dependency on foreign oil. Every time we buy a truck we make a Saudi prince smile. Someone needs to teach the south what the word 'conservation' means.
5) Neglect of Public Health
The South is fat. Look at this report. It's disgusting. And the thing is, they don't give a fuck. They continue to eat BBQ and fried foods (why is there a need to fry pickles of all things?) and smoke like chimneys. Dude, it doesn't get nearly as cold here as it does up north. Go out and run you fat bastards! Have some self-pride.
6) They drink light beers
7) The Redneck Factor
The Redneck stigma is commonplace in the south, and it almost seems like people down here embrace it. You realize we make fun of you for being a 'redneck', right? Oh, and then they call us 'yankees'. Really? That's an insult? Idiots.
8) The Bible Belt
You see churches every 20 feet here. It's ridiculous. No where else have I seen dry counties and such overt conservatism. The preacher said gays are bad, so they must be. How about thinking for yourself for a fucking change? I have no problem if you wanna be religious, but don't let it control your life and don't let it determine how you're going to judge other people. Granted, if I lived in the south I might have to turn to God just so I wouldn't go insane and kill myself.
9) Learn toTalk
Y'all is NOT a word. Also, please remove the mothballs from your mouth when you speak. Thanks.
I'm ready to get out of the south. Seriously. Some people down here still want to secede? Fuck it, do it. I'm sure I'll just miss Houston sooooo much. The only good things in the south are New Orleans and some of those old settlement sites you find in Virginia (note: there are many, though that may not even consider Virginia to be in the south; note 2: I have heard good things about Nashville and Austin; note 3: I don't consider Florida to be a part of the south, it just seems like its own place; note 4: I'm not counting all the great bands that have come from the south). All the major cities are in the north. Do we even need the south for any reason? I don't. Nuke the place and be done with it. We could then teach evolution in all classrooms, have an actual intelligent president, and make some headway in saving the environment.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 347 of 347http://www.hatethesouth.com
Such a temper! Such grammar! Such a lack of education! Surely, he must be from the South.
First of all, I think the entire point of this post, contrary to what multiple people have attempted to argue, is that NO true northerner has ever wanted to move to the south or has ever been happy about being forced to move there for whatever reason. I was in Virginia for college for four years and it was cute, I guess, to see how backwards and absolutely uneducated the people were, but I think honestly it is best for everyone to stick to their respective regions. I can't imagine anyone from the south is terribly excited about having clearly better educated, well-spoken and (I'd venture to add) cleaner people hanging around and reminding them about how poorly they stack up. That way, northerners don't need to complain about being dragged down by the south and southerners don't need to continue this unending charade about being "proud" to be racist rednecks founded upon a culture of sweet tea and Confederate flags.
Also, who made that comment about not liking people from the north because they are "small and wimpy"? Didn't any of your southern brethren shudder at your comment about the best football players being from the south? That was it? That was all you had? THANK YOU FOR PROVING WHY NO ONE LIKES YOU. Your comment was dumb. That's it.
And dear, sweet Amanda. Can you please remind everyone of your stellar high school, college and graduate program GPAs? Because that was truly a gem. A real treat to have you share your absolutely PATHETIC grades with everyone. First, that was lame. No one cares that you made it through a southern curriculum- they are notoriously terrible programs. And second, they were average grades AT BEST. You're precious though, I really enjoyed reading your feeble arguments, I feel as though I could hear your desperation coming through.
Taylor, I enjoyed reading that, although my sister, originally from Ohio, and descended from nothing but northerners, seems quite content to remain in upstate South Carolina. Some things I will never understand.
I do not care what any of you people have to say, every word of this guy's rant is totally true.
I moved to the middle of fucking no where from chicago. I hate everything about the place I'm in now. And people say we're rude.
Pft. I beg to differ. Some of the rudest people I have ever met are in smalltown hickville. I mean so small I could probably do a census in one hour here. So yea.
As if being rude wasn't bad enough, they are always all up in your business. What are you people writing a fucking book?! Mind your business. Kthx.
I find it funny that there are some southerners on here saying we are ignorant because of our thoughts towards the south, but we are entitled to our opinions and most of the world agrees with the north over the south.
I live in an area that is upper class in NC, and at first, I thought it was beautiful and the only thing I can say is they do have good food, it is very scenic, the ocean, and no snow.
However, this lasted very briefly. I have been here for two years and want to move and am planning on it as soon as I can get out of my lease. Here is the rest of my experience:
I expected southern hospitality. Ha! These people (especially the women) are rude to anyone who isn't from the south. The men disrespect women and talk about them as if they are meat and where I'm originally from up north, we don't tolerate that shit. Mind you these men are married! Everyone tells me how funny I talk. Excuse me? Have you heard yourself? I talk perfectly fine and know the proper pronounciation of words. I can't even begin to say how slow these people are.. Not just in stupidity, but in everything in life. I will talk about normal things and they'll be like, "Whaaaaat?" They just have no clue. They have no idea how to drive. I have been told that a speed limit is what you can go up to. So we have people going 30 on a 45 speed limit because it's a limit. No retard. You go 45! There are no street lights because according to these people I shouldn't be out at night. There is absolutely nothing to do here. Just old people sipping wine and acting like they are so much better than everyone else. These southern people bash my hometown and if I say anything back, I am the worst person ever. They just think they are so much better than everyone else and it's funny because they are the only one's. EVERYONE besides people who are from the south make fun of it. How about some education? Driving lessons? Proper etiquette? Exercise? Normal talking? Why don't you stop pageanting your 6 year old by decking them out in loads of makeup and actually do something of importance. Oh-and please don't tell me you drink beer like water. I'm from Milwaukee. We know how to have fun. I can't wait to leave. I will take my snow over this crap anyday!
Been in VA for 5 years now. And trust me 90% of people here will flip shit for saying VA is NOT a southern state. They will remind you real quick they are proud southerners! It's bizarre. For some reason most people down here have never been anywhere else in the country, except maybe Florida and other southern states, but you will be hard pressed to find a southerner who has been to the North. When asked they say things like "why would I go there?" They also think that everything has originated from the South. I actually had a chick asked me if they have Cheetos up North? Really? WTF? "Down here in the south we got something called camping, fishing, hotdogs, hamburgers, ice cream, trucks, fill in the blank with any common thing you find everywhere, grass, trees, rainbows, rain...seriously I've been asked if people in the North experience/have these things? MORONS. Granted I will give them good BBQ, Bojangles, but they seriously think everything they know is only a southern thing due to living and dying within a 30 mile radius.
Funny people from the North always say people from the South are "Uneducated Rednecks". When South Carolina seceded in 1860, the actual voters consisted of 5 former Governors, 4 former US Senators, a former speaker of the US House of Representatives, and many others of local prominence. The president of the CSA, Jefferson Davis was a former congressman, U.S. Senator and Secretary of War and was a highly decorated officer in the US Military fighting in the Mexican war. He was also educated at West Point, Jefferson College and Transylvania University. Uneducated rednecks right? You say we are all Racists, yet you realize that Slavery was still legal at the start of the civil war under the US constitution and didn't become illegal in the Union until 1862 when Lincolns dumbass needed a way to get people to vote for him so he made it illegal. The constitution of the Confederacy also made it illegal to bring in Slaves when it was officially formed while Lincoln still owned slaves at the start of The War. We will never change because what was done to us was wrong and unconstitutional. We were invaded and will never let that go. You Sir are a dumbass and have been proved wrong. YOU LOSE! GOOD DAY SIR!
-Proud Southerner and U.S. Marine.
I don't care how old this blog post is. I'm a recent "Bama" transplant from the North. Your post gave me the catharsis I needed.
I DO miss Wawa, I DO miss Starbucks, I DO miss Dunkin. I HATE Walmart and my 9-store shopping mall 40 minutes away. I HATE the slow service I get everywhere I go. I HATE Southern accents, football, people talking about football, shitty beer, not being able to buy beer on Sundays, no foreign car dealerships (I love my Subaru), no one who can repair foreign cars, the bountiful meth addicts without teeth, and the bugs. Seriously, there are roaches EVERYWHERE. I have to clean my house every six hours so I can sleep at night. And when I do fall asleep, I have nightmares about living here anyway.
Also, to the poster below me: rednecks don't comprise an actual race.
forget the emotions
here are some facts why i hate the south:
Lets spend some extra money to teach all the southern trash to speak proper english,Everytime I hear them speak and say stupid stuff like hey yall, It makes me want to shoot myself,If I had enough money to start my life all over again back in the North I would move back and NEVER EVER THINK ABOUT COMING BACK EVER !!!!!!!! and if it is true about 2012 being the end of the world I hope the south goes first please.
I don't get why people hate the south so much. It's a beautiful region. Sure there's some white trash, ignorant, racists in the south. But you'll find them all over the country. They may talk differently, but there's no law that says you have to talk a certin way. The south is just like the rest of America. There are nice areas and crappy areas. Nice people and rude people. Smart people and stupid people.
No, I am not a southerner. I grew up and still live in Illinois. However I love the south. I like the people, the culture, the scenery, and the food. I really hope I can move down there someday. Preferably Tennessee near the Smokey Mountians. Yes, there are people who actually want to live in the south. If you who hate the south and want to leave, I will gladly trade places with you.
You could have traded places with me. I spent two and a half years there, and escaped a year and a half ago. The time I spent there was the worst time of my life. When I went there, I had no idea how horrifying it would be.
Born and grew up in Bama and come from a family who has settled there for over 150 years. This is the land where people are certifiably insane over football. Watch Roll Tide/War Eagle on ESPN and try not to be afraid and/or disgusted. I love sports but the tremendous value placed on it is downright embarrassing. Most people don't give a shit about anyone or anything else in the world simply because they cannot point out where they are on map and have utterly no interest in learning anything. I left after graduating from college and lived in Colorado for a year. It was wonderful! Then lived overseas in Africa (gasp!) for a couple of years...another great experience. I returned to the region for family reasons and to complete an advanced degree. Now my wife and I are about 3 months away from leaving and living on the West coast. I can say with 100% certainty that I will NEVER EVER live in the South again (including Florida ;}! I despise the deep history of hatred, the glorification of Southern heritage, the rampant ignorance of the outside world/geography, bible toting hypocrites (they are the most dangerous extremists), and finally the Paula Poundstone obesity-laden GMO filled food. The region has few bright spots which are obliterated by the aforementioned reasons. Good-bye South. And I heading out on 40 west, not 95 north. PS I do hunt and fish which btw is a time-honored way of obtaining dinner. In it's purest sense, it is a high act of environmental stewardship. Alas, the rednecks have hijacked those activities. Gun worshipers have perverted the true joy of being an outdoorsman.
Baptists are the most backwards lying piece of shit human beings I have ever meet in my entire life. They talk all day long about being good christians then turn around and screw everyone they can to get a buck. They lie like they breath and they have the guts to say I am the one who will burn in hell because I dont go to church. Its a fucking shame that such beautiful country is wasted by the doushe bags in the bible belt.
WOW!Thought i was the only bastard that felt this way! Try doing a six month month deployment on a navy ship with these jackoffs!Espeacially when one of these inbreds are in charge of your ass.Fuckin torture!
I totally agree with this post and particularly the one right before mine. i was also in the US navy and the only reason i got out was the rampant re-enlistment of these "bumpkins". I clearly remember being on a Mediteranian deployment and standing in amazement listening to one of these genetic failures explain to us how to--" If Yall put the sheeps back legs in your boots he cant run away while ya doin it". TRUE STORY!!!! IM NOT LYING!!! this same guy had also lost all of his teeth before he was twelve. Look, I am a college educate man. My father was born in South Carolina during the depression. They were sharecroppers. He told me the story about how he escaped from these southern,backwoods,rednecks and there moronic culture of racism, nearsightedness,and religous insanity.He said "After church, the mother of a hyper active child would beat the living shit out of the child while the preacher and congregation stood and watched.I knew,even at ten years old,I had to get out."----Thank you Dad--I will never be able to thank you enough.
I am a minority who grew up in the north and recently moved to Nashville for graduate school and it is the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. The people here are so racist and have said racist things to my face and they are proud of their racism and proud of their ignorance. They think being politically correct is stupid. Then again, they also think that reading and dental hygiene is stupid. We should nuke the crap out of the south. I hope these assholes continue to eat their BBQ and deep fried sticks of butter because then these fuckers will die of heart disease before they hit 30. Their stupidity will lead to their own demise and the world be a better place for it.
Haha you so stupid crying about star bucks god stay out the south Yankee -kyle from georgia
Look at the idiots still arguing over north vs south in 2012. Grow up.
I have lived here in the South my whole life and can give it to you honestly. It is too hot, the pace of life is too slow, it is stuck in the past, and growing up to not be a redneck is a daily battle.
However, for someone to think the North is any better would also be ridiculous. A whole region of the US full of organized labor running blue collar industry into the ground and overseas. Shit weather and stinky attitudes that for some reason desire to vacation and retire in the South.
I don't plan to live here much longer, but would never tell a Yankee where to find something better. Live in the South amongst people that hate you and complain to your retiree neighbors about how much better it was where you came from.
I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, far, far away from all of this North/South feud, so maybe I can share a different perspective on this. I had never really been to any part of the East coast except for once to DisneyWorld as a kid, but a couple of years ago my wife and I took a huge road trip and drove from Miami all the way up the eastern seaboard to NYC, and then across the country all the way back to Washington State.
The thing that stands out to me more than anything at all was the fluctuation in average obesity levels. Skinny in Miami, then shockingly, astoundingly fat--I mean jowl wiggling, mudflap bumping FAT--men, women, kids, adults through the South. Then by Delaware people got normal again until by NYC they were pretty much all svelte and trim. Then driving inland, people got huge again, reaching another peak in Nebraska, before dropping to fit and frisky from Colorado until the coast again. Now obviously, not everybody, but the relative proportions were remarkable. I've often thought of gathering up my pictures of the trip into some sort of visual graph of some sort, because this really stood out.
That's all I got, really. I'll go to NYC again, but I already did as much of the South as I care to.
Oh, also numbers of churches and in-your-face bible billboards and such everywhere almost exactly corresponded to fatness. It was almost like fundamentalist = FAT. I'm not going to suggest which way on the causation issue, but the correlation was irrefutable.
Hey jackass, I've lived in the south my whole life and never seen a place like you've described. Rascism is abundant down here, but it's not whites against everyone else over here, its everyone for himself. What you are describing shows you either have no sense or haven't been here for any amount of time. What idiot complains about alot of churches? You've probably never walked into one in your life. YOU are the hypocrite, claiming we are bigoted when you clearly are. I'd tell you to get your yankee ass back up to the north, but I like the rest of my country, and would be ashamed to send you up there. Move to Europe, BITCH
So typical of the hot tempered and obnoxious attitude so prevalent down there.
Southerners like to cry the victim card whenever they feel attacked. Either that or they lash out back at you when they feel like their entire life purposes, values, and/or beings are being dismantled. Obviously not all Southerners - but the prototypical ones. Which would mean the majority.
I disdain the conservatives of the South who blindly follow and can't offer rational justifications for their beliefs.
And I consider it the antithesis of being American to hang the Confederate flag.
Hey, I drive down the eastern seaboard for business sometimes, and I noticed the fat thing too. It must be all the fried chicken and grits or something. The south is totally fat compared to the NE. I went to the beach in South Carolina and it was disgusting.
As long as there's segregation in the South, the Land of Dixie will be a decent place for white people to live. If you don't like segregation, move to the bankrupt state of California.
Comforting to read these posts. Thank you. Now I know I am not alone. --Yankee from Mass. stuck in the South. Despise the people here, the mentality, the weather. EVERYTHING!
Hi, y'all! I'm your typical southerner. Whenever I see someone from up north (devel wershipperrrrs) I tell em....I say..."go home, Yankee!! Pack yer fuckin bags!!! We don't need yew here!"
I think them Yankees are trouble, always takin our jerbs, causin trouble n complainin
I'm a typical hateful clueless southerner asshole that has never left my shit town. Fuck ya!
Your schools did not do a very good job teaching you the difference between "here" and "hear" did they? Also, as a "christian" is it cool for you to use so many insults when replying to another's post? Guess you must have removed that log so you are mow after the mote in your neighbor's eye? Nevertheless, carry on and bless your heart.
I don't living here in AL and I hate that I was born and raised here. I don't consider myself as a Southerner, because I don't eat BBQ or drink sweet tea (nasty!). Also, the people here can be quite irritating with their religion being forced on others, how they judge people with are different from them and their trash-talking while talking about sports (and I do love sports, btw). People can be crazy here and everywhere else in the Southeast. I don't think people are THAT racist towards one another, but they are crazy, overly religious people.
Furthermore, the South does have somewhat of a poor education system. I think some people here know very little about the world and what's going on in it. Kinda sad. I hope one day, I can finally move away from the South, and live somewhere more liberal.
I've always wanted to take a gigantic knife and hack the whole south off the continent and give it a big shove into the Atlantic. So I'm gleeful about a new book: "Better Off Without 'Em: A Northern Manifesto for Southern Secession," by Chuck Thompson. An Amazon reviewer says, "Chuck Thompson doesn’t have a politically correct bone in his Yankee body. He skewers the South mercilessly, and hilariously. And backs up his barbs with facts. Lots of facts."
I just Love it when somebody tells the truth about the silly, stupid, backward, hypocritical, holier than thou South.
If you don't like it, leave it. The South is the best place in the world. It's people like you that we don't like. Damn Yankee
I despise people from the north, namely NJ.they are the rudest, most oblivious, and selfish group of people I have ever been around. I was born and raised in the south. The people in the south are generally more pleasant to be around.People in Jersey are self absorbed and do not acknowledge each other's existence. In jersey , someone will try to run you off the road when lanes merge just to try and go in front of you. This is a daily occurrence. This would not happen this often in the south.People in jersey are trashy. They have no manners. It seems they were all raised in trailer parks. People from the south are bold and have personalities. People from the north are dull and drab- maybe this is why they possess such nasty temperaments. I have also noticed that most northerners are ugly and have horse faces.This "slow,uneducated" southerner is about to go for her doctorate, another bachelor's, and another master's.I am in schools up north because I am stuck here.i read books instead of watching television because I am an "ignorant" southerner that cannot read.It will be a great day for me when I get to leave the north.
I can finally pin point why I hate southerners so much. They think that everybody has an "attitude" who does not want to be made a slave out of by kissing their butts. I am serious, southerners seem to function by doing their best to make others feel lower than themselves. For instance, if you confront one with their mistake they do not defend themselve but instead point out the other persons fault to cover it up. They like you as long as you agree with them and do for them but if you act at all annoyied by their controling dispostions then you have an "attitute" so they put you down with it. The south is a beautiful place but the people I can not stomach!
Southerners don't want others to kiss their butts, they just want common courtesy for everyone. Common courtesy is rare on the north. Get what I said straight!I am southern and am not controlling at all. You have NO idea what you are writing about.I could care less if people agree with me. All I know is that people in nj are rude and are hostile if they do not get their way. I have been in the northeast for many years so I know what I am talking about. I say people have an attitude when I see them try to run each other and me off the road just to get in front( everyday occurrence).before you respond, make sense , and know what you are talking about.
Even my broken watch is right twice a day...just like every southerner can't be like he portrayed them......but he's pretty damn close....the south is a bane on the entire world and nine times out of ten everything he said is spot on.......period
I hate the south. Ive been ignored since I was 18. I am now 36. Ive spent the last 18 years of my life in the south. I used to think it was me but it isnt. The few bright spots in my life have been Yankees who at least were kind to me for their own reasons. I am a hispanic looking hispanic. And I agree southerners take pride in their ignorance and are very racist and very exclusionary. I plan to move to the north. I know northeners can be very racist but there is less of it especially in places like NYC. A friend of mine was smart. She got out when she was young.
To young people and young hispanic people, dont move here!
The north sucks. They have high property tax bills
I'm living in the South now, originally from Oregon, and I can honestly say that I cannot get used to this place, even after 7 years here. I don't mind the people that are from here, although I think that if you don't have a Sourhern accent, they normally lump you into the category of "Yankee" which is odd. More often, I find the peopke I meet here to be suspicious and mistrusting behind that superficial veneer of Southern manners. Hardly anybody reads here, so if you don't go to church and all that, you won't be accepted. But the worst part is the gossip that surrounds me in my neighborhood, even though we as a family live pretty quiet lives. Back in Oregon I built fences with my neighbors, had them over for bbqs and generally had a fun time. I had friends of both genders in Oregon where here the women think that if you're friendly to their husbands, you'll "steal" them! It's really pathetic. I wish I could go back home to Oregon, but my husband has a good job here. But more and more, I find myself shut in the house, and rarely go out any more since I've had less than positive experiences with the people here, through no fault of my own, other than not understanding the culture at all. It's truly depressing.
f*** you b**** don't ever disrespect the south especially my state you hoe ass yank you better talk s*** on this web page.. I've send your ass back up north with a good southern ass whooping to tell your punk ass Yankee friends...why come down here anyway anything you can get down here you can get up north expect swag!..don't hate BICTH
Moderately amusing if illiterate post from one southern Jermaine Walters.
I am no longer in the South, and will certainly do my best to avoid the South, so my ass should stay away from your whoopin'.
I may have enjoyed, and may still enjoy, some parts of the dying Old South, but thank dog I will never be a part of it.
Has everyone forgot about the Appalachian people?
I'm from the Pacific Northwest and had the unfortunate circumstance of having to live in a town call Adel in GA as a kid for a few years. I was completely innocent and didn't understand racism, but let me tell you. I have NEVER experienced so much rudeness and xenophobia for people that are unique and different down there. I never wish to return to the bible belt. I have met and still stay in touch with the few real and lovely people I met during that time. I am thankful for meeting them, and for discovering boiled peanuts though. :)
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I loved this post. Southerners are so fucking stupid.
I agree with everything you have said, it's like we are connected somehow. This is brought to my attention because I sadly have to attend a funeral of one of my lovely aunts who lost her battle with cancer. But even though I will go and support my father for losing his sister, I still dread going down south. The ride, the fact they they continue to hold up a battle flag in which they lost(THE North Won) sorry always have to throw that in. It's quite depressing actual. Most of the south has not progressed at all, and this does not include Atlanta or many parts of Florida. It's sad because all of the people the whites and blacks just seem lost.
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Yup. The South blows. What always baffles me is that Southerners can be so PROUD of being drooling, witless mouth-breathers...as if stupidity were a virtue.
Newsflash, assholes: it's not. Your lives are a pointless waste of national space, resources and time. If you really can't wait to go to the racist "Heaven" of your own diseased, collective imaginations, why not do the country a favor and drown yourselves en masse? (That means "as a large group.")
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If the South is so racist why does the majority of the black people in America live in the South? And, all the Yankees that can't wait to leave don't forget the rest of your entire family that lives here too! I mean, really, does anyone live up North anymore? None of us retire up North, do we? SO, it is Y'ALL invading our culture then trying to change everything to suit you. And please, lets not forget all the Yankee's on Tenncare, and while you think of that I hope you are looking out your window at all the empty towns up North.
Here's my take on the South, after 7 years in rural North Carolina. For the Southern readers here, no, I'm not a Yankee, I'm from the Pacific Northwest, which is impossible for most people to define, other than they know that it "rains a lot there". Which leads me to my first observance: If you are a transplant and live in the South, and do not have a Southern accent, you will immediately be cast into the whole "South versus Yankee" paradigm. It doesn't matter where you come from, but an accent other than the various Southern accents to be found here will immediately be considered "suspect". No questions asked. From my time here, I see the mentality of the South, to be emotionally stunted. It's a lot like having a little brother who was battered, emotionally abused, and
left with a defensive, hair-trigger temperament boiling just below the surface. This is the emotional legacy that has been passed down from one generation to the next, a kind of permanent cultural, emotional scar, that is a legacy of the Civil War. This wound directs everything in the South, and acts as a negative, galvanizing spirit that maintains group affiliation and insular ties - but only if you are born here, of course. Outsiders, or transplants, are regarded as threatening, and are regularly used as sport to reinforce the Southern "us versus them" mentality. And heaven help you, if you get caught in those political or cultural machinations. Your best bet working in the South, is to be respectful, and understand that these attitudes will not be going away anytime soon, so it is probably not in your interests to point out differences, contrast and compare regional differences, or generally criticize the South, its people, or its customs in any way, since the only thing you will do is get their dander up, put yourself in the unwelcome position of "other", (most likely Yankee, for that's common still). In other words, you won't change things. And while you might not necessarily understand the South, you should recognize that the cultural wound, as described above, has a very good outlet: the South produces some of the finest soldiers in the country, and very hard workers who rarely complain. (at least not publicly, since that would be "New Yawk Rude!) And yes, they do tend to trash their beautiful countryside by throwing things out their car window, but if they didn't, you might think they were "liberal environmentalists"- and that just won't do here! All ribbing aside, if you just try to understand some of the history here in the South, then you might have an easier time making it here.
Very well stated, Mr. Pacific NW-->N.C. I wish all comments on this blog were as coherent.
I wish all yankees thought of the South as you vicious South bashing yankees. Then maybe they would all go home where they belong. I'll offer my 10 cents worth of thoughts on North vs. South. The difference in northerners and southerners was brought over here from Europe and the WBTS was inevitable. People that settled in the South came here as rural, agrarian people looking to escape the viciousness of the overbearing, centralized government of "Londonite" England. The people that settled the North highly represented what people were running from to begin with, an overpowerful, controling, centralized government. That is what the WBTS was fought over, not slavery. Two entirely different people, then as NOW, which is what you are seeing right here. Yeah we lost the war fighting off the invasion of the north and we are losing the same war today. That is why alot of Southerners don't like yankees, INVASIVE!! Can't stay put, always chasing a dream and a dollar, where a Southern man is content to stay put and relish his heritage and a more simple way of life. Once a Confederate prisoner of war was asked by a yankee soldier, "Why are you fighting and resisting us?". His reply was simply "because you are here". So to you Southern bashing yankees that for some reason live here, I ask you the same question. "Why are you here?" Go back to your ways and your kind. I thank my God that I am a Southerner.
You sound like an elitist, pompous jack-ass. You seem to be very intolerant, and also seem to have no true insight into humanity. All you seem to have are your own preconceptions and prejudices. You have produced here such a biased, one-sided account of a place and people you obviously know very little about, that it is sad.
Methinks if you really hate the South so much, then stop coming to it - ask for a different assignment so you don't have to travel here. However, if you would like to take your blinders off and release your bigotry and become more open-minded, then I challenge you to meet some real Southerners...and I mean really get to know them...look around the South without your jaded eyes, and I guarantee you'll find some of the best people in the world...and some of the most beautiful country. (Will you find negatives? Of course, one will find those EVERYWHERE.)
Anyway, your sweeping generalizations and logical fallacy-filled rant shows me, yet again, that this "Educated Country Girl" has "more sense in a minute than you do all day long." (To use a colloquialism that should irritate you since it's Southern.)Yet, you do not have to stay so ignorant. Open your eyes; get to know the world (the South) outside of your "stereotypes," and you might just be surprised!
You sound like such a fucking pansey.
lol to the idiots who still use the word Yankee. the south will be butt hurt over the civil war forever. 1861 is long gone, get over it and move on with your lives. the south will rise again = butt hurt.
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I couldn't agree more. I HATE the deep South and plan to move back North too. Ignorance, violence, nonsense about high school sports, laziness, inability to move at a rate other than a sloth's rate, incompetence, corruption, school systems worse than a developing country. NO THANKS. I've been here two years. I have never seen such racism, such ignorance or such levels of people living in welfare or such dirty public places, such high crime rates or incompetent doctors and hospitals. I love how the Southerners on this blog respond just like their stereotype too - just shouting, using profanity and using no logic in their arguments at all. That's another reason I hate the deep South. Georgiaboy09, nobody is impressed by your use of profanity and profanity has never won an argument - go back to school!
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If I ever see any of you piss mouth Yankees say any of this shit to my face I will fucking kill you! I hate you pieces of shit. Get the fuck out of my south!
Ah, the poster of April 17, 2013 at 12:52 AM, displays the typical Southern hospitality.
You pretentious piece of shit. This is why Southerners hate pussy, whining, bitching little Yankees.
I'll tell you sorry yankee bastards exactly why we talk about the Civil War. BECAUSE IT'S NOT FUCKING OVER. if you want evidence look at this whole damn discussion. It's changed just like every other American conflict. It didn't end, we just went from fighting it on the field to fighting it in our communities. I fly my Confederate colors just so you damn yankees can see that we are still rebels. We will never give up AND YOU BASTARDS WILL NEVER WIN. I know you won't. hell you can't. you're not proud enough. you have no fighting spirit. you're weak as hell and to such an extent that the people I call pussies are more inclined to fight than you lot. Damn hipsters and radical liberals all of you. If you're afraid for your "intelligence" or "sanity" as you call them because you live down here then kindly fuck off back to Boston or where ever the hell Y'ALL came from. There are plenty of intellectuals that hail from the South and proudly bear their Dixie roots. you're just too ignorant to stop and appreciate the fact that there are smart people everywhere and you're not the rosiest flower in the bed. I'f you hate it here fuck you and your opinions of us and get the hell out. Or "you's guys" can stay and catch a sound ass whippin' from one of these damn Confederate boys (or girls apparently the way Mrs. Amanda for the south sounds she might catch you with a right hook on your way out).
Oh, I'm a good old rebel
Now thats just what I am
And for this yankee nation
I do no give a damn.
I'm glad I fought against 'er
I only wish we'd won
I ain't asked any pardon
For anything I've done.
I hates the Yankee nation
And eveything they do
I hates the declaration
Of independence too.
I hates the glorious union
'Tis dripping with our blood
I hates the striped banner
And fought it all I could.
I rode with Robert E. Lee
For three years there about
Got wounded in four places
And I starved at Point Lookout.
I caught the rheumatism
Campin' in the snow
But I killed a chance of Yankees
And I'd like to kill some mo'.
Three hundred thousand Yankees
Is stiff in southern dust
We got three hundred thousand
Before they conquered us.
They died of southern fever
And southern steel and shot
I wish they was three million
Instead of what we got.
I can't take up my musket
And fight 'em down no mo'
But I ain't a-goin' to love 'em
Now that is serten shire.
And I don't want no pardon
For what I was and am
I won't be reconstructed
And I do not give a damn.
Oh, I'm a good old rebel
Now that's just what I am
And for this Yankee nation
I do no give a damn.
I'm glad I fought against 'er
I only wish we'd won
I ain't asked any pardon
For anything I've done.
I ain't asked any pardon
For anything I've done...
Why would you say things like this? Every part of the U.S. is different. I'm sure where you are from has flaws too. I am from the South, and where I live is unlike ALL of what you have described. We're all the same in the end. By the way, I live in Northwestern Louisiana, and I have an IQ of 175.34%! There are lots of other Southerners like that, you horrible person!
And if I hear someone say, one more time... "At least we have culture here in Georgia." Blah!
i'm from wisconsin and holy shit I can't believe any of this shit is real. Honestly, the south is not that different from the rest of the country. It is more conservative, yes. It is more religious, yes. But that's because the south is less urbanized. You go into small towns in Wisconsin, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, California, wherever, you get these same things. There'll be more racists, more conservatives, more religious folk than in the cities. This pattern holds true in the South too. Atlanta, Houston, New Orleans, Nashville, Louisville, Austin, these are all somewhat cosmopolitan cities. Other than some cuisine and accent differences, do you really think the average resident of Louisville is that different than the average resident of Buffalo? Obviously there's no comparison to New York, but that's not really fair. There's really no comparison to New York anywhere in the country; the closest things are Chicago and Washington D.C., the latter of which was considered southern until the 60s or so.
The KKK's stronghold is Indiana, you know. Some parts of Indiana are rather southern, but the real adherents are the whites still in Gary and Hammond.
I can't believe there's this much hate present. If any of you on either side are too dense to grasp that people are basically the same everywhere and regional generalizations are totally impossible, shame on you, and grow the fuck up.
There actually was a Gallup poll released recently that showed that minorities in the South did not report feeling racial discrimination significantly more than in other regions. Here's some cities to look up to dash your Southern generalizations:
Athens, GA
New Orleans, LA
Austin, TX
Blacksburg, VA
Roanoke, VA
Nashville, TN
Knoxville, TN
Chapel Hill, NC
Carrboro, NC (most liberal small town in the country)
etc etc
I have a lot of family in the south. Literally all of them are educated and liberal. My mother is from rural and urban Kentucky and is one of the smartest people I know. My grandmother, who still lives in Kentucky, used to walk to work, keeps very updated in global politics, and hasn't voted for a Republican in her entire life. My family in Arkansas owns a music supply store and distributor. These are all thoughtful and intelligent people, not stereotypes. There are ignorant dumbasses in all regions of the country, and there are good people everywhere too. It's really not rocket science.
The accent comments really kill me. "I talk properly, have you heard yourself?" Are you kidding me? Wisconsinite here, and accents are accents. They mean literally nothing about you except where you're from or where you live. It's a way of speaking that is equally valid. Are you prepared to say that Midwestern/upper midlands American English is the proper form of the English language? Um? Is it the American language? You are speaking in an accent as well.
If the South is as racist as a number of bloggers allege it to be, why have so many African-Americans returned there to work and live? As far as housing goes, aside from some gentrified areas in northern cities, northern neighborhoods tend to be racially segregated.
You and your shitty region suck.. The south sucks and there is no god
Sorry the south sucks you uneducated giddies are basically the Taliban
I grew up in the South and when I say deep South, I mean DEEP. I was in S. GA. I was not born in the South but my stupid parents sentenced me to this awful place at an early age. Most of what is written in this blog is 95% true. Most Southerners are in some sort of denial for one reason only. This is the only world they know...so...it's normal to them. I went to a party not even a year ago and some drunk, ignorant red-neck out-of-the-blue said,"I want to kill me a nigger and raise the rebel flag." Of course, his "posse" joined in yelling and screaming: "fuck yeah!" Likewise, most of the racism I see hides inside the very same people who wish to do nothing or say anything against it. They act indifferent. In fact, even if they did stand against any racism...the backlash from their friends and family would completely alienate them from the society as a whole. Word spreads super-fast in the South, b/c they have no real lives to speak-of. They are all trapped in the world they live-in like caged animals. Inside this cage exists: sexism, child-abuse, and bigotry. I am Native American; I am not white. I have been called every name you can imagine, except Native American. And they (Southerners) turn around and blame me for tricking them when they get called-out for calling me a Mexican. The education in the South is really bad...it's like they are proud of being stupid. The day I was old enough to move away from this 10th level of hell --I never came back and never will. If you are white then, you might have a minuscule chance of being accepted by the small minority of decent people living there, but why bother?
wow, you have such a colorful, wonderful and diverse vocabulary. You really are a paragon of the intelligent and wonderful people from the South. You have certainly proven why this guy is a jackass.
oh my god, I'm so sorry I swear she wasn't here when I was watching the door man I swear I didn't let her in.
hi there, I agree with almost everything you said. But if you or anyone else on this forum bash Irish people ever again I'll find you in break your f****** legs.
I have lived in Alabama my entire life and all of this post is so true.
Most sane people GET OUT after high school or college, once they have the opportunity they don't think twice about escaping this cesspit of white hell.
If you're white and a Christian it's all gravy. Especially if you have a dislike for non-white people, atheists, gays, and so on. Don't forget the South LOVES the military. Bible belt indeed, in Alabama we still have racially segregated churches. Instead of building one big church for a community they divide it into at least two or three.
My dream is to leave this hell hole. If you can actually think for yourself and don't go with the popular opinion of using racism and hatred as a means of life, get ready to be shunned by society. I was told on a daily basis before I moved out from my home that I needed to be locked up in an asylum cause I was very vocal about how I hated everything the South stood for. "but you're white! Your not black, why do you care about them!? How dare you talk about how bad our military is! What is wrong with you having sympathy for gay people!?"
Fuck the south, fuck the racism and fuck the people. I hope they do secede one day. The Union should have done even more damage during the civil war. The attitudes is all that is left from those days and people down here cling on that bullshit and revolve their lives around it
Poor education? You betcha, but at least from growing up down here I can tell you that the education system at least in south Alabama is trash. We had the lowest test scores of the entire state when I went and the drop out rate was incredibly high. The teenage pregnancy rates were in big numbers, and most kids didn't even want to finish school. I dropped out too cause it was a hell hole. There is no such thing of not using religion in the class room down here. Society in general is already bad enough but the schools are even worse.
It appears that there is a stunning lack of competent arguments in defense of the south, so I guess this is where I should interpose. I am from California (Los Angeles), but I have been living in Tennessee for 10 years now, and I am very pleased by the experience. I have visited the north many times and loved it each time. It seems that you (author of the original post) have not truly traveled through the south enough to make an informed opinion about the region... Based on your posts, you seem to have secluded yourself to the Piedmont, SC region, and, based on your perceptions of that area, have stereotyped an entire region. I'm not surprised that arguments from both sides have consisted of stereotyping and ignorant generalizations, as such things will always exist, regardless of geographic location. These kinds of mindsets are most prevalent in rural areas, of which Piedmont is a part, and they are most rare in urban areas, of which the south has its fair share. In Knoxville, a mid-sized city where I live, I meet a lot very open-minded people (the majority) as well as close-minded people (the minority). It's a big mix of people from different backgrounds working together to achieve a common goal; that's what life is. If you, people who agree with you, and the people who argue that the north is just as bad as you claim the south to be decided to open your minds to perceived differences and took the time to understand them, you would realize those difference aren't as extreme as you previously thought. We are all a lot more similar than you think, and, by ignoring that, you and people like you are preventing human progress that could occur from widespread cooperation. Of course, this is an idealistic goal, but it is very achievable on the small scale. I sincerely hope you give the south another chance; there is no reason to cut yourself off from a large segment of the country in which you live simply because you disliked a small segment of it.
What silliness. Is beauty not in the eye of the beholder?!? This is like trying to argue whose favorite band or movie truly is superior...an utterly pointless exercise. That being said, I see willful, almost blissful ignorance on the part of the author that I would like to address. First of all, most Southerners I know have no "hatred" for Northerners. You are in our region of the country and we enjoy doing things our way. While you may be a transplant in a strange land and may never fully assimulate, you could at least embrace and try to understand what we have to offer. Those efforts will be greatly appreciated. That goes for driving as well; every region of the country has bad drivers, but we drive badly in different ways. Try to adapt and keep your patience. Finally, the South is not an inherently racist place, as many on this board are wont to believe. Most of the region is between 30% to 50% black, and we get along just fine, thank you very much. Overwhelmingly, the display of the Southern Cross is a statement of a love for the South, not a hatred for anyone.
Also, I would much rather live in a warm climate, where a total stranger can look me in the eye, offer a warm smile, and wish me a good day, and I do not have to be suspicious of his motives. Mighty fine way to live, y'all. I'll take it.
Southerners are gross! The men and women are extremely butt ugly. They don't like to breed outside their neighborhoods, so people come out looking like an earlier species of human. How to do so many people look like that? It’s gotta be bad genes.
Don't use any fifty-cent words here because they won't understand! Girls get pregnant multiple times before turning twenty! My friend’s family was fine with their eighteen year old son marrying a 16 year old. Six months later, she's working on their first child! People have two to three kids per family - as they will get married several times over a lifetime.
Being fat, there are many heavy breathers. Many don't shower, wash their clothes or brush their teeth. One guy was amazed that I was buying a pack of tooth brushes. He'd been using his for well over a year. These guys came to my door (magazine salesmen - you know those programs kids join and travel the U.S.)and said, "You're the first person we've seen who has all her teeth." And "You're the first intelligent sounding person we've met all day."
Finding a job was hard! I was discriminated against for not being southern, for being well-dressed, articulate and healthy. If you’re obese, poor grammar-speaking, uneducated, ragged clothes-wearing, no teeth left people, you’ll do well here. If you don’t know that Ireland is a country in Europe, then you’ll do well here. They're so fat and gross that you don't want them breathing next to you- because they'll spit all over you and your food. Since the their teeth is rotting. And this is not just his family that is like this, but this just about everyone in Northwestern Arkansas. Just a bunch of porkies. It's like the movie Wall E out here.
No, I don't want fried mushrooms, or fried squash or fried broccoli. A bag of apples lasts longer than chips and costs the same. A bag of rice or pasta costs way less than frozen food and take away, and it lasts longer. A bag of spinach only cost $3 and can feed a whole family. No, you don't need to consume ten pounds of frozen, fried or take away each meal. These people have asses the size of elephants, and they shit the size of elephants. I went to this one interview; this 400 pound guy had a soda mug the size of tire.
The reason I came was because I wanted to pursue a personal career endeavor that I couldn't afford to in other places. I needed to be able to work a lot less and make my savings last. I was able to do that here. Arkansas IS beautiful. The people are not. They are destroying this wonderful place.
People don't recycle; there's trash everywhere. People go out of their way to run over dogs in the street. I love hunting and other stuff. I love seeing squirrels in my front yard!
Arkansas is not the best place for barbeque. Missouri is way better on the food scene. Texas and Louisiana, too. And that's the worst part, because if you're gonna become a fat pig, why not do it the right way? These people are getting fat on Mac Donalds.
Southerners say that northerners will come and ruin their way of life. Well, it is already pretty much fucked. There is nothing we can do to make it worse. They should live by northern values - taking care of yourself, not having truckloads of kids, going to school, not wasting your money on MacDonald's three times per day, bettering your brain, and etc.
I hope you die and rot in hell you damn northerner i am proud to be from the south and guess what you can kiss my country ass
I lived in the south for awhile and I can understand where you're coming from. I'm from Southern Ohio and I'm not a yankee, I'm an American. Anyone calling people Yankee's is a bitch. Oh and they are ALWAYS from the south. You never here a normal person saying oh those damn rebels in the south. Most people have better things to do with their time. I like all of Tennessee, Atlanta and of course new Orleans. Kentucky can suck it though they are just wannabe southerners. They live 90 miles away in Lexington from Cincinnati and you'd think you were on another planet. If they don't hear a stupid southern "accent" they say you ain't from around here are you? Then proceed to be complete ass clowns to you. The accent is a fake southern one mixed with terrible English. I can see why they are so easy to hate but some of them really are truly nice and have treated me well. Either way I'm glad they're all too pussy to move any further north than the Mason Dixon :)
I lived in the south for awhile and I can understand where you're coming from. I'm from Southern Ohio and I'm not a yankee, I'm an American. Anyone calling people Yankee's is a bitch. Oh and they are ALWAYS from the south. You never here a normal person saying oh those damn rebels in the south. Most people have better things to do with their time. I like all of Tennessee, Atlanta and of course new Orleans. Kentucky can suck it though they are just wannabe southerners. They live 90 miles away in Lexington from Cincinnati and you'd think you were on another planet. If they don't hear a stupid southern "accent" they say you ain't from around here are you? Then proceed to be complete ass clowns to you. The accent is a fake southern one mixed with terrible English. I can see why they are so easy to hate but some of them really are truly nice and have treated me well. Either way I'm glad they're all too pussy to move any further north than the Mason Dixon :)
If you're not from there, they treat you like shit. They hate the world except there own little lives. They're the reason the world hates on America. Frankly I don't blame them! There's nothing to like about them. I'm just happy we take all there taxes to DC where the money is in respectable folks hands. Peace in the streets.
You genuinely just negated your entire argument, but instead of debating with you, I will just correct you. Keep in mind that I'm from the west coast (Orange County) and have been to the north as well.
1. You lived in the south for 17...what? State that you lived here for, what I would assume to be, 17 YEARS.
2. *have been everywhere
3. It wouldn't be racism against rednecks, it would be stereotyping and therefore considered prejudice.
4. There was no statement involving the KKK in the entire article, racism can be portrayed through more than a dying "secret" society. There is also much racism from blacks to whites as I've come to learn from my 8 years in South Carolina
5. Just because the author cares for the environment, doesn't mean he/she doesn't enjoy having fun. They just believe in having fun in a more natural, planet safe way.
6. I don't think the author was saying they have a problem with the abundance of churches, I believe they meant they're problem was with the prevalence of solely Christian churches, which you are right in saying there is freedom of religion, but how is one to practice their religion if there are only houses of worship for those of Christian beliefs?
7. It's not "According to Freedom of Speech" it's according to the First amendment. Freedom of speech is just what the amendment entails.
8. Your last statement justifies the hate that the generalized south has for outsiders and those that don't fit with your societal norms.
This thread has some of the most blatantly outrageous generalizations about people I have ever read. How can anyone claim to be so superior in education and culture and worldview and at the same time belittle an entire region of people? Bigotry is ugly. I have traveled in 40 of the 50 states and I have been in 8 foreign countries. In all the states I find most people are similar aside from the different accents and there are some basic cultural differences which I think are to be expected and celebrated. Living life in Boston or New York City is, of course, going to be different from living it in Nashville or New Orleans, Minneapolis or San Francisco. I wouldn't travel to a different area and expect it to be just like my home city. I grew up in Nashville but have lived in rural New Hampshire for the past 14 years. Many of the hateful things people have said here about the South could also be said about rural New England. I'm not saying that to be vindictive but, rather, as a commentary on reality. I've met people without teeth, people who live for and love to hunt, educated people, religious people, irreligious people and so on. I could say I grew up around that same kind of mix. When I traveled to Colombia I didn't expect to find there an exact replica of everything US American and when I travel the US I don't expect to find Nashville everywhere or New Hampshire everywhere. I want to know the nitty-gritty difference, the way of the culture, how things work, what people eat, how they speak. I want to experience the variety. If I visit a place that is quite different, I will always look for the things in that place that make it unique and I will not insult the people in whose land I am visiting … whether another state or another nation. Anyone who does that is disrespectful and ignorant. On another note: I don't see the word "Yankee" as an insult. Certainly it is embraced here in New England and is used in naming businesses and the like much like "Dixie" is used in parts of the South. As US Americans we are all Yanks when abroad … and sometimes Gringos. Peace and love, everybody!
I posted the most recent comment (above) and woke up thinking some more about it. Came to me that the blogger is unusually bitter, along with a number of other posters, and I was thinking about the psychology behind that. Now, when I've gone to other states, regions and/or countries I find that I may not like everything about them but I find something and someone, some natives, that I really do like. As an example: I've been to Kansas a few times and have some cousins there. I don't like flat land without trees too much but I still find something fascinating and interesting about the area. I haven't been anywhere, North or South or East or West that I didn't find something and someone to like. Sounds to me like the original poster created his own negative experience. You know the saying "wherever you go … there YOU are!" So I think miserable people will be miserable wherever they go and whomever they meet. This silliness about everyone in the South fitting into the most derogatory stereotype you can imagine is absurd. Any traveler knows it. Sure, you can find the stereotypical person for anywhere you go. I remember seeing a toothless woman on the streets of NYC and I kind of thought … well, that's not what I expected. I wouldn't extrapolate from that an entire idea of the people of NYC or anywhere else. Generalizations are backward … if one wants to talk about backwardness. The South has its problems as does any region but it has its intrigues as well. In my perfect world I would keep a place in New England and also have one in my native South (for times of year when I get tired of the long winter … like March/April/May.) On a side note: I drove across much of the South in 2011 and in my New Hampshire plates. Guess what? Nobody noticed … nobody cared. So, this idea of a lack of embracing outsiders in the South is bogus and contrary to tradition and the general experience of most people. Like anywhere, though, if you go to the South with a chip on your shoulder and an attitude of superiority … you can expect to be put in your place, as you should be. I would imagine, based on the tone of the blogger, that this is what happened. Bad attitude begets bad reaction. When I moved to New Hampshire I didn't expect it to be like the South, didn't want it to be, didn't need it to be. It isn't … but people are people and it's not really that different on so many levels. Finally: I think there still resides in people from outside the South a kind of resentment of its unique culture. Jamestown, Virginia was founded before Plymouth in Massachusetts. Both groups came from England. Each, over the years, developed out of a different mindset but are sort of cousins to each other. The diversity in the South is amazing: 100 million people, larger percentage of African Americans than anywhere else in the nation, Mexican-Americans, Muslims, Jewish people, WASPS, rednecks, hillbillies, debutantes … all social classes. 100 million people, at least one-third of the US population, are not ALL the same. Social classes exist just as they do anywhere so there will be the educated and the uneducated. Finally, I did not come North for my education. I obtained it in the South and I'm proud of my home region, my heritage (the good parts) and proud to be living in New England. If someone bashes either the South or New England … I'll defend either.
Your mother
I have to agree with a lot that has been said about the southern states. Maybe not with as much venom and hate as some of the above posts, but most of what they say does ring true.
I moved to Tennessee (from the north) for a job. I have been miserable from day one. I have tried to accept and embrace my new surroundings. I have tried to convince myself that I was being narrow minded and needed to give it a chance. But after 5 years, I still feel like an alien and I still cannot adapt.
Everyone is a so called Christian. When I say Christian, I am talking about the TBN (The Bible Network) type who spew hatred with everything they say.(think Jan Crouch and Pat Robertson). But I have yet to encounter a truly kind hearted or spiritual person. These are the most UnGodly people I have ever met.
Everyone I work with is a racist, homophobic, extreme conservative fake Christian. They talk about each other behind their backs and hate anyone who isn't like themselves.
They make fun of me for using proper grammar. One person mocked me for saying "potatoes" instead of "taters".
The local culture consists of country music, NASCAR, church, huge obnoxious trucks (even the women drive them), all you can drink beer, and barbeque restaurants. There is no interesting architecture or unique neighborhoods.
It is true, they still say "Yankees" and everyone hates Obama.
One thing that baffles me is if it falls below 70 degrees it is considered freezing and they bundle up in sweaters. But if the heat is so stifling that is absolutely oppressive outside, they consider it a beautiful day.
When I go up North for a visit, my depression temporarily goes away. When I have to return to Tennessee to go back to work, I sink into a miserable depression. I am making plans to move away. I tried. I hate it here. I can't wait to move away. I feel like I am getting released from prison.
That's terrible. Life is too short to live somewhere that feels like "hell." Good you are getting out.
I grew up in Tennessee and had a different experience. I came out, as a gay man, in TN and still have many friends, gay and straight, there. It was easy to make friends and build alliances but I was in the city of Nashville and/or very close by for most of my life. As for different accents, yes, you find that everywhere. People here say pizzarr and idearr and I saw a sign to a road that was "Tater Hill Road" or something like that so I guess some people here say "tater" too but I thought it was just a slang for everywhere … you know like "tater tots." Anyway, people should be nicer to others no matter where they call home because each of us is an ambassador of some sort to others. I think this way as a US American, also, and have done my best to be polite and respectful of other cultures when traveling in foreign countries. Here in New England I've had to get accustomed to people not saying "hello" randomly as I was accustomed to hearing in the South. Many people will just stare as if it's crazy to say hello to a stranger walking by on a trail or on the sidewalk. I think about 50-60% of people here do not respond when greeted in that way. That's just a cultural difference to which I've had to become accustomed. I don't think it makes them bad people. As for talking behind backs … well, sadly, that is a trait of humankind that exists everywhere and I've seen no difference in it North or South. The South is definitely more openly religious or expressive of that and more conservative, in general, but in Nashville we had several synagogues, mosques, a Hindu Temple and tons of churches … so it was diverse. If you're in a small town then most likely everyone is Southern Baptist or something else Evangelical. Differences exist, as well, from East to West. Even the accents are significantly different from Bristol in the East to Memphis in the West. They are 500 miles apart.
Texas and the South should be separate nations from the USA and from each other. They are both culturally different from the rest of the country. I don't have anything against southerners but the accent is weird. I like Sara Palin's accent from Alaska. That is a real American accent.
I thought the exact same way you do. I loved the south& came to SC for vacation every year. Then, I moved here. Living here is an entirely different experience. The people (not all of them), hate you instantly if you are from anywhere above the Mason Dixon. It's absolutely awful.
Went down to New Orleans, LA and also parts of Mississippi and Alabama back in January and people were really very nice to me. I liked the laid back feel of it all and the accents were fun to hear but I'm kind of a glass half full personality so I like all the US and also the foreign countries that I've visited.
Every one in the stupid south is as phony bologna as a $3 bill!
Every one in the stupid south is as phony bologna as a $3 bill!
Everyone in the stupid south is as phony bologna as a $3 bill!
The South does suck. In breeding is rampant and the accents...Don't get me started. Unless it is for work I refuse to go below the mason dixon as I get a rash...It is hot, dirty, and just plain shitty...
Give me New England or give me death...Go Patriots!!!
I just now read the post from the most recent "anonymous." The one who said "Give me New England or give me death." I couldn't have said it better myself.
Good job, incidentally, of getting rid of a plethora of spam on this thread. It seems to be a spam magnet, and I still get email notifications of all of them.
See my blog: http:www.worthlesscrapnobodyshouldbuy.com
Brain Poop, I think you mean "fogna bologna." I must admit that, when used in that particular phrase, I've only seen it spelled "baloney."
The "South" is 30 minutes outside of every city in this country
Take yer Northern Liberal A$$ back where it belongs downgrading our Southern Heritage we where raised.to respect our elders, Unlike the North we were also raised to look at each and everyone as equal not how.much one.person has and the other doesn't, Our language there is NOT 1 DAMN thing wrong with it Y'all are the the ones who do not know how to Talk. Down in the DIRTY DIRTY SOUTH TOWN we LOVE our family God And Guns yeah we have have our open carry and wont think twice about using it. So keep yer Northern Liberal Ass where it belongs, we dont have to be hateful we can just say Bless yer heart.
They have Starbucks in the south, but dude I'm totally with you. FUCK THE SOUTH, A LOT OF IT'S PEOPLE, THE WAY THEY LIVE DOWN HERE, AND!!! THE FUCKING LANDSCAPE EVEN. IVE LIVED HERE FOR 10 YEARS AND I FUCKING HATE IT. It's a gross place and the only way you couldn't see this is if you were raised in the south, more or less.
You are the most ignorant, 'prejudice', blogger I ever read. Your own thoughts shows your own prejudice in your attitude and beliefs against the South. Your the same with a different center. I was born in Tennessee, moved to Georgia at 15 and been here ever since. Love my State and love the Lord as most here do. Yes we are Jesus freaks. I will say what we all say, if you do not like the South then get the hell out, who the hell asked you to come here anyway. GET OUT!!! STAY OUT!!! we love our Military men and women.. you remember that too ya little jerk! There is MANY of us in the Military here, my own Son is Delta Force. He risks his life for people like you to blather this horse dung! You are a waste of life. I agree with Georgiaboy09.. There is one thing we do still use here for people like you, a saying... 'FORGET HELL'! if you come back again, things will be MUCH different you damn carpetbagger! get the Hell out of the South! WE DO NOT NEED YOU!!! ANY OF YOU that agree with this stupid jackass. You got a lot of nerve to call us prejudice with the post of crap you posted. You ooze it, prejudice, hate, ignorance and all the Northern Traits that go with it. You are also ignorant of the facts of your own leaders at the time of this and their 'personal reflections' in the issues of slavery. You are a silly person and uneducated in history. It was as political as any of the damn wars today.. slavery was an excuse, a means to an end. SO SHUT UP YOUR IGNORANT MOUTH!
I feel sorry for y'all southern boys and girls A mind is a terrible thing to waste and believe all y'all minds are in the gutter pull y'all heads out y'all piggly wiggly asses this goes for y'all i lived in georgia in the 80's it was fucked up then and still fucked up now clean your fucking minds up and grow up y'all Billy Bobs and Sally Bobs good luck in y'all lives
I agree all of this is true, my family took a trip to NYC and there I met some of the most honest and kind people I have ever seen unlike some of these Hicks down here.
BTW I am 16yo Transgender and am not accepted by anyone, my family does not accept me either but they don't know yet, I CAN"T WAIT TO LEAVE THIS SHIT BEHIND!
Im new to the south. I moved here to North Florida less than a year ago. I moved here because I wanted to live in the beautiful countryside and enjoy peace and quiet. I thought that because its rural and forested it would be paradise. I must say, however, Im starting to hate the people here. They suck. Some of them are stuck up for sure, but my biggest problem is the environmental issue. These people all want to drive huge trucks with exhaust bombs instead of mufflers. Really? Does the whole fucking town need to know when you are going for a drive? Mufflers were invented for a reason. But you idiots take them off to make unnecessarty noise and disturb the peace and tranquility of the environment. And then you idiots litter everywhere. These rednecks have no class whatsovever. All they do is make noise, litter, shoot animals, etc. I have to agree with what was posted here for the most part, although not every letter.
And then theres this asshole who blast music all night on the weekend outside, forcing teh whole neighborhood to have a party till 2 am when I want to go to bed at 10. And the rest of the neoighborhood just takes it right up the ass. THe people ehre suck!
The south is full of mindless pussies. Don't make us(the North) beat you in another war, just like my grandpa wiped the floor with your "grand-pappy". Suck my dick.
Would you be so kind as to explain that statement friend? I am an Alabama native with my whole family living in Chicago/Illinois region. I have been to the bars there , seen the hypocrites brag about killing southerners they have never met, heard them talk about they hate black people and other people of color , though they were not as tactful as myself in doing so. I love my Family, Country, and Environment. And will do anything to defend them even unto my death. If you ever cared to back up your emoty , gutless, puffed up , over zealous, pathetic words - I'd love to be the one that horse whips them out of you right before I take you to the grave sites of 1000s of 15-17 year olds killed in their homes by general tiny dick sherman and his obviously demented and mentally deficient followers.
I am 55 years old and have lived in S.C all my life. I have a B.A. Computer Science. I don't like hunting, fishing or Nascar. I usually drink water and coffee, no beer for me. People in the South do like to talk but not me. I'm the quite laid back person. I hate rudeness and those who presume to know, Southerners from just a few they met. I've met 2 people from the North. One is in prison for molesting his son and other had an open marriage. It led him straight to divorce court, with his wife getting everything. So should I judge Northerners from the few I've met or are they different? My oldest friendship has been with a black girl I friended in kindergarten. No one would play with her so I became her friend. Because you see, that is how my mother raised me I don't look down on anyone. As for the Confederate flag, I have seen 1 in the past month. You wish the South would disappear? Well, same can be said, how the South feels about the North. My son and I actually read a lot of the responses and were laughing about how ignorant they were and childish. BTW The South doesn't need to rise again because it already has. The South was completely destroyed by the North and had to rebuild from scratch. Hence the statement, The South will Rise again, morons!! Also, if North was fighting for slavery. Why in the hell did they leave them to starve? The North was fighting to destroy a culture they hated because the feelings were mutual. Northerners seem like a bunch of self-centered bigot racist bullies. If you don't like the South, then leave! Problem solved!
I HATE the south and HATE southern women even more. They are the most vicious, backstabbing, hypocritical, nasty things on the planet. Oh, there are churches everywhere in the south and most of those bottle blondes go to them every sunday...they just don't listen to what is being taught or read their bibles. Most of them are dim-witted and what passes for intelligence among these women is superficial garbage. Each one wears enough makeup to paint a half dozen circus clowns. They treat every event (church bake sale to child's sports event) like a beauty pageant where all contestants are judged against some arbitrary southern standard which no one will tell you about. I've lived in the south 3 times and every time left convinced I never want to go back. Now that I'm no longer married to the southern spawned dirtbag alcoholic I was married to, I never will have to go back. YAY! Warning to all women moving to the south. Those women who live there are NOT your friends and never will be. You will always be "not a southerner" and they will take every opportunity to make sure you know where you stand...and if they have their way about it, it will be under their nasty little spiked heels.
You are wrong about #4, I live 15 miles from manhattan and I'm surrounded by trees. More trees than my sister in law has in a suburb in charlotte. So you are both wrong about each other.
You are wrong about #4, I live 15 miles from manhattan and I'm surrounded by trees. More trees than my sister in law has in a suburb in charlotte. So you are both wrong about each other.
Remember, every home now has two or three laptops, smartphone, tablets etc. The kids can't even do homework without it. Judging by the fact that there's very few responses by southerners it looks like most of us don't care what our northern counterparts think of us. We are, however, sorry if you have had a traumatic and upsetting experience here in the south, the people you speak of wishing genocide against really aren't that bad, in fact most of them can build things, imagine that! Building something with your own two hands and refining it to near perfection, like a pair of speaker towers for your living room, or building a wooden deck in front of your house that is solid enough to easily hold up 30 people on a summers night party, I'm about 97.00% sure every hateful and negative poster on this forum doesn't even begin to know how to start simple things associated with building something from nothing without stepping on, or screwing someone over. The real issue at hand is the fact that you can't adjust outside of your comfort zone, this is a personal and psychological problem that you have within yourself manifested in rude, hateful and insane comments about how you wish hundreds of millions of people and their family's and children would suddenly die. I am a southerner, raised dirt poor, graduated from high school ( check our ASVAB/ACT scores per capita) adjusted fine to California and Massachusetts life, and now I'm here in North Carolina, retired from the military at age 36, successful and set for life, I work at Lowes as a floor manager, I also have a leisurely internet business on the side, life is what you make of it, and if you really want to get technical about morality, there are over three times more abortion clinics in the north than there are in the south, I'm PRO choice BTW but you claim to be morally superior when thats three times more babies getting blended in Your back yards so stop whining about your traumatic experiences in the south and get to the truth in life, find you OWN happiness and stop worrying about other peoples perceptions.
What the hell? What part of the south have you guys been too? It's not THAT bad. Yes of course, there is the racism, rednecks, and overly conservative Christians. However, you can find all of these types of people EVERYWHERE. Honestly, I've seen worse racism up here in the North than the South. I mean, really bad racism in the North. The conservatives? So what? Just because they're so Christian, doesn't mean that they're not open-minded or acceptant of other religions.
Southerners are human too. They are not all stupid and redneck, I've met plenty of intelligent and wonderful people. There are excellent colleges and schools down South, plenty of them. They may not be as economically advantaged, but it's not entirely the South's fault they are that way. Plus, our economy as a whole sucks.
I don't understand the hate on the south. Now, I find it okay to hate on the states themselves, but definitely not the people. There is nothing wrong with any of them. But even so, many southern states are actually incredibly beautiful and have amazing scenery. So please, just stop the hate. I like the South better because they're much more appreciative of the north than the north is of the south. Some of the coolest people I know live there, some of the coolest places are located there, and they have some of the most astounding scenery. Some of these comments made me cry, seriously. Love one anther. We're human, you bastards. (Guess I'm not showing a great example •_•)
Also, I have no idea about when this article talks about how the South isn't modern at all. There are Starbucks at every corner, and why does a simple Starbucks even matter? Perhaps it would even better without our fatty and sugary modern day foods and drinks. The north is FULL of shitty foods.
What the hell? What part of the south have you guys been too? It's not THAT bad. Yes of course, there is the racism, rednecks, and overly conservative Christians. However, you can find all of these types of people EVERYWHERE. Honestly, I've seen worse racism up here in the North than the South. I mean, really bad racism in the North. The conservatives? So what? Just because they're so Christian, doesn't mean that they're not open-minded or acceptant of other religions.
Southerners are human too. They are not all stupid and redneck, I've met plenty of intelligent and wonderful people. There are excellent colleges and schools down South, plenty of them. They may not be as economically advantaged, but it's not entirely the South's fault they are that way. Plus, our economy as a whole sucks.
I don't understand the hate on the south. Now, I find it okay to hate on the states themselves, but definitely not the people. There is nothing wrong with any of them. But even so, many southern states are actually incredibly beautiful and have amazing scenery. So please, just stop the hate. I like the South better because they're much more appreciative of the north than the north is of the south. Some of the coolest people I know live there, some of the coolest places are located there, and they have some of the most astounding scenery. Some of these comments made me cry, seriously. Love one anther. We're human, you bastards. (Guess I'm not showing a great example •_•)
Also, I have no idea about when this article talks about how the South isn't modern at all. There are Starbucks at every corner, and why does a simple Starbucks even matter? Perhaps it would even better without our fatty and sugary modern day foods and drinks. The north is FULL of shitty foods.
Wow. A lot of comments going on here. I'm Northern, I was raised about as "North" as you can get - Northern California. I married a Southerner, who for the most part thinks like a Northerner. Have paid a couple visits to the deep South (Jasper Texas and that region). Have lived in the South for a couple years. A few things:
Northerners can be Christian too (I am).
I notice a lot less phoniness, overall, from those from the North than those from the South. It's generally true that people from the deep South will be extremely nice to your face while undermining you and stabbing you in the back. The Northerner in a similar situation will tell you off upfront and get it off their chest.
A Southerner I knew prided herself on being liberal and open-minded, gay loving and all that, but in the end it was just a show. She's still just as phobic, misogynist, hateful, abusive, two faced, lazy, and illiterate as the people she was trying to "escape" from. And then bitches about how "ya'll need to have some state pride like we do in Texas". You can take the girl out of the South, but perhaps you can't take the South out of the girl?
I currently live in Austin. It's not my forever home, but it's not too bad and out of all of Texas, I feel grateful to be here after hearing so much about the South (and experiencing some of it's ugliness).
Notice the Southerners typos and grammatical errors...LOL
Way to confirm the southern stereotype. Luckily for all of us inbreeding leads to infertility. As a side note "the south being the foundation of American life" might be the stupidest then I have ever read that was until I finished reading the remainder of your comment.
As a proud Southerner and North Carolinian, I'd like to remind any "Yankee" that none of you have ever been invited to come live in the South. Rest assured, your opinion of Southern people, our accents, how Ma'am churches we have, or our weather matters not. In fact we hope you hate us enough to stay away! By the way, your northern accents are like sand paper on our souls.
I completely and wholeheartedly agree with your post and points. Living in the south has given me new insight that common sense and decency are a rarity, especially in a cesspool like fagotteville, nowherelina (day, nc). It is the most disgusting place I have ever lived.
It's filled with the rudest, tackiest, uncivilized, uneducated, uncouth, vile trashiest, disgusting waste of DNA that I have ever witnessed.
I've seen the fattest, most unattractive, dirty people teaching their equally fat, lazy kids how to be just as disgusting as they are.
All of this was confirmed for me,when I saw a fat whale tell her obese idiot Satan spawn to just push a cart. The idiot did, she pushed it hard into someone's truck and waddled her lazy fat ass into her cow of a mother's car. Way to teach her waste of DNA to be a decent person.
I've seen a child get her foot run over by someone that saw her crossing the street in a Walmart parking lot.
These vile disgusting shitty trash particles are not civilized and at the most self-absorbed. In LA, the self absorbed are attractive or have some type of redeeming quality.
I've seen more fuckboys, thots and overall shitty pos here than anywhere in the world that I have ever lived and I've lived a lot of other places, better places.
If someone wanted to make this place fall into the ocean, I'll leave and they can have at it. Maybe a sinkhole will swallow this disgusting place up, along all of the shitty residents.
Oh yes he does know what he is talking about. The South is a different breed and I don't mean that in a positive way.
Yes the litter is everywhere I noticed that also! I bought big trash bags and just started walking around my Southern neighborhood picking up trash. Up North you only see thst much litter in poor neighborhoods. Must have something to do with education.
You absolutely need to reevaluate your view of the south, especially about the Civil War. You should forget everything you read in school history books about that war. It is said that history is written by the victors and, seeing as how those history books are provided to schools by a federal government organization which oversees the content of such books, this saying rings very true. Try pulling your arrogant Yankee out of your butt and talk to a real historian sometime.
Free County, Anyone can Move Anywhere they please. However, Georgia is Filled with Ignorant, Self-Entitled Pricks who are still Fighting the Civil War. NEWS FLASH
Southern people are the most intellegent, toughest, kindest, most self reliant people in the USA.We inherited alot of this through our ancestors. I can't stand being around a Fucking POS smart mouth yankee. They have no manners and offeND w every other breath. We ( southerners ) may have our own beliefs but we don't force them on anyone else or bring offensive shit up constantly. I have had to beat several Yankee assea because they didn't watch that smart mouth. Your right. It's not 1800,s anymore. We are more prosperous now. Noone likes a smart ass yank.You can't fight worth a piss either
Here is the deal w the south. There are a lot of rednecks and there are a lot of black people. Both subsets keep living here highly entertaining
Been here a looooooong time . Ans STILL every single the the first Poster said is EXACTLY TRUE. I will add that even after 20 years it doe NOT get better --it gets worse, the Ghetto down here is ls the rudest, POS's I have ever had to deal with, can't tell the blacks from the whites --but THEY can, --you will never see a black group hanging with a white group --racism down here is BAD!
One more the thing the G-D= BUGS!!!! oh the freaking lousy year round bugs they just don't quit!!!
Hahahahaha this article is great even 10 years later, im a southerner born and raised, I was born in florida, and lived in alabama, louisiana and mostly Texas. However, i am very well traveled and have experienced a ton of culture. But there is no place like home. I disagree with 99% of everything you said.
1. Where the fuck did you stay down here that has your panties so far in a wad matches this article? The backwoods or swamps?
2. We have a way of life down here, just the same as you have up there, trust me we hate you just as much and your accents make you sound like you are an illiterate idiot with water in your mouth.
3. We say what we want, when we want, how we want. If you dont like it or you're affended you have my blessing to stay in your house where its safe for your ears or go jump off a bridge. Either way we wont lose sleep.
4.you're all( my bad y'all are all) brain washed and can't think for yourselves.
5. We accept anybody of any color or race. If you act stupid or do something you shouldn't we aren't gonna hold back just because your black or gay. Stupid is as stupid does. Regardless.
6. All this racial shit and rights controversy all over the "news" is going on in the south.... Oh wait no its not, its happening in the north.
7. If you say you are going to move to canada fucking do it then, you're all talk.
8. When i go to the north, not a single one of you have an ounce of fucking manners, chivalry, you act snooty when you aren't worth 5 dollars, you wanna be rude and talk shit but walk away before you get you ass beat, you dont care for the enviroment just as much You're just to blind to see it, you bitch about anything and everything that doesnt go your way or blame your fuck ups in life on color, gender, etc... Instead of working for it.
Why do you think Texas has the most Billionaires in the US and most marines come from texas or the south? Because we know how to work and not bitch about problems or what debby down the street said that hurt my poor delicate fucking feelings. And we care about the country we live in and its safety even if we do think you yankees are fucking looney.
My advice, put your hand up your ass and grab that stick you have wedged up there, or change yourself the way you want the world to be and stop trying to make the rest of us just like you. The world isnt fair get used to it. And if you have a shit life or nothing to show then its nobodies fault but your own, stop looking for excuses and be an adult.
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