Monday, April 16, 2007

I Lose My Faith In Humanity

We've lived with past mistakes
And we've lived with our own
Forgive, forget forgive
Be a man, not a child
There are to tears for peace
Of the common sympathies
Educate, reinstate, educate
A thing of past
The trouble in the states
It's time to rise

Pantera - Rise

So we have another deadly shooting. This time on Virginia Tech's campus. Some fucker goes and kills 30 plus people. Not even a year after we have some jackass go and shoot a bunch of girls in an Amish school. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit shaken. I mean, I have friends on campuses across the country. It easily could've been their school. But what really bothers me is that I just can't comprehend what would compel someone to do something like this. Okay, you're unhappy, so going and taking innocent lives is gonna make it all better? What the fuck is wrong with people?? I'm naturally cynical and expect the worst out of humanity, but this is absolutely appalling. What kinda sick fuck goes and does something like this?
And of course, with any killing we'll get the requisite explanations for "why they went on a killing-spree." They'll blame everything from music, to movies, to the killer's parents. Fuck that. You know who we never blame?? The murderers' themselves. We live in a society where people aren't expected to take responsibility for their actions. You spill hot coffee on you while driving, you sue McDonalds... and win. I don't care what happened to this guy, there's no way to justify this. He plays Halo? So do millions of other people, and you don't see them running around gunning people down. His parents beat him? I'm sorry, but do you see millions of other beaten kids shootng people? No more excuses. The sad fact is, out of a nation of 600 million you are inevitably going to end up with a few absolute nutcases. The scary part is you won't know who the nutcase is until it's too late.
So is there any real way to prevent shit like this? Sadly, short of psychologically profiling the entire country, not really. It may be time to impose some gun control on the country. I love freedom and liberty as much as anyone (probably more so than other people) but the 'right to bear arms' is an old and outdated amendment. It was created due to the presence of hostile British forces in our country. We don't need that anymore. Are we a gun crazy nation? Some would say yes (take a look at Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine; it's extremely one-sided, like any Moore film, but he raises some very interesting points). I don't know about that, but the gun lobby certainly has more sway than it really should. Well, I say fuck the NRA. Fuck the gun-loving South (yes, I'm giving in to stereotypes again, but they really do love their guns down here.) Maybe if our government stopped thinking about votes and thought about the people they supposedly represent, they'd make a decision that benefits their constituents. I never think a few should be able to determine the actions of the many, but when the few are starting to kill and hurt the many, an exception must be made. There are just too many psychos out there that have easy access to guns.
I'd like to think this is the last time I'll see a tragedy like this, but I doubt it. There are some things, some people I will never understand. How one can go and kill anybody, especial a bunch of college students, is simply beyond my understanding. I don't know the killer's story. Frankly, I don't want to. What he did is unconscionable and nothing I hear about him will make me feel any sympathy for him. Life's tough, but that doesn't give you the right to take the lives of others. Tonight there are 32 less souls on the planet that deserve to be here. May they rest in peace.

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