Sunday, March 1, 2009

Farewell to Number 20

So the unthinkable happened...Brian Dawkins left the Philadelphia Eagles. Coming into free agency, Eagles fans thought they knew three things: 1) The Eagles had a ton of cap room, 2) Andy Reid would continue to ignore the obvious and stubbornly refuse to obtain a big-time play-making receiver, and 3) Brian Dawkins returning to the team was all but certain. When I awoke from my nap Friday afternoon to have my roommate tell me that there was a report of Dawkins going to Denver, it was like someone had just told me that my uncle had been shot. I was blind-sided. As I scoured the internet for information, refreshing ESPN's football page countless times, I was in a state of shock.
It's hard to explain what Dawkins means to this fan base, means to this town in general. Philly fans expect a lot out of their athletes and Dawkins typified every single one of our desired traits. Not only is he one hell of a fucking player (going to 7 pro bowls), but it was the way he played the game and carried himself on the field and off. Dawkins hit hard as shit. There's no other way to put it. We're a city that likes our hits, be they football or hockey related, to be spine shattering, and Dawkins never failed to deliver.
When he was on the field, Dawkins also played with what can only be described as an animalistic passion. The man wanted to win. He embodied what all of us fans wanted. Shit, he pretty much was one of us. And to know that he cared so fucking much really resonated, especially in a time when prima donna, over-paid athletes abound. We loved that passion. We fed off of it.
And off the field Dawkins was one heck of a modern citizen. Allen Iverson he was not. He did a ton for the community and was nominated for the NFL's Walter Payton award this year. And he was here for his entire career - 13 years. When Dawkins started playing for the Eagles I was 11 years old. That's an eternity. My life is absolutely nothing like it was when I was 11, but the one constant through that entire time was Brian Dawkins starting at safety for the Philadelphia Eagles.

Now let's get to him actually leaving. When I first heard he'd signed with the Broncos I was pissed at the entire Eagles organization - Joe Banner, Andy Reid, Jeff Lurie - they should all burn for this. How could you let the heart of the franchise leave so unceremoniously? But the more I read about it, the more my opinion changed. The Broncos gave him a ludicrous contract. A contract no one should be giving a 35 year old safety that, it's safe to say, has lost a step or two. Now, should the Eagles have done everything they could to get him? Yes. Definitely. And it doesn't exactly sound like they did, especially for as far under the cap as they are. They couldn't spend enough to go over the salary cap even if they wanted too. But 7.5 million for Dawkins? Is he worth that much at this point? Probably not, and that's where you have to fault Brian just a little bit. For all his claims about 'wanting to retire an Eagle' and offering to come back at a discounted rate, he eventually went to the team that offered him the most money. Not that I can blame him. Money's hard to come by. When someone offers you more than someone else....well you go with the higher amount. Football is a business after all. It's often simply the fans that get left hurting.

So no hard feelings B-Dawk. In fact, I wish you all the success in the world. You gave us all you had for 13 years. Whether you play one more year or 5 more, here's hoping you somehow get that elusive title that you totally deserve. It'll hurt to see you in a Broncos uniform, but we'll all get over it. At some point in life you realize that everything really is about the money, and for many Eagles fans I'm sure that point came yesterday. I have no idea how we're gonna replace your leadership, your passion, and your un-arguable talent. There's a gaping hole now present on the Philadelphia Eagles. But it's not the end of the world. I guess what started out as anger for me has slowly transformed into acceptance. So best wishes in Denver Dawkins. Hopefully we'll be seeing you in Canton in a few years. And for the record, you better fucking enter the hall wearing an Eagles jersey.

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