Monday, March 2, 2009

Facebook's Jumped the Shark

I remember when facebook first came out. It was cool being able to connect to high school friends that went to different schools, and made it easy to keep tabs on everyone you were currently in school with. Who didn't like finding a new 'friend request' in their inbox (be honest)? Just made it so much simpler to keep in touch. Then, they let high school kids in. Pretty soon, everybody and their mothers (literally) was on facebook. It got to the point where you had to block your pictures so the more tech-savvy of adults wouldn't be going around telling tales of your exploits to your parents and other relatives. This was annoying as fuck. What had started as a tiny little community for college kids had expanded to include, well, everybody. I'm sure this made facbook an ass load of money, but it destroyed the novelty and exclusivity of the whole thing.
Now facebook's got even more annoying. We keep getting these '25 random things posts'. How did this start? Who the fuck cares?? Look, if you wanna post 25 random facts about yourself, send out an email to all your friends or start a damned blog. I like knowing what my friends are up to....but how many of your facebook friends are really your friends? Honestly, if someone takes the time to 'friend me' I'll say 'fuck it' and just accept the invitation. But it's annoying when I open up the web page and at the top of my page I find out that some random girl from high school who I never talked to is 'going shopping with her mom today' or that 'she's scared of bats.' I don't fucking care! And the worst part of facebook for me is the fact that you can now vote on people's status updates and any links they post and decide whether you like them or not. Really? Isn't that what Digg is for? This is dumb.

Okay I'm about ten days late writing about this, but I have to talk about the Top Chef finale. I'd never watched Top Chef before this season. I tend not to like reality TV and figured I wouldn't like Top Chef either. But my roomate watched it. And there was nothing much else to do on Wednesday nights. So I started watching Top Chef, and honestly, I was hooked. The show's smart and interesting (especially for someone who likes to cook, as I do) and they tend not to go overboard on the drama. That being said, what really drags you in are the personalities of the chefs. Inevitably you will get attached to and start rooting for one of them. That brings us to the finale. This one dude named Hosea won. The fucker was annoying as all hell and seemed to have an un-healthy fascination with beating Stefan. Besides all that, he was maybe the sixth or seventh best cook on the show. Given the choice of chefs, I'd take Stefan, Fabio, Carla, Jamie, Jeff and Radhika over the fuck. So I get that all the judge's decisions are based solely on what the chef did on that night's episode, but my question has to be, why is that the case? Why not consider their entire body of work over the course of the season? Wouldn't that ensure that the best chef won rather than a whiny little bitch like Hosea? It was retarded. I was pretty upset after he won. To think I invested my time into an entire season only to see better people lose. Bullshit. I'd relate it to watching a wrestling storyline, only if at the pay-per-view Hulk Hogan lost to the Iron Sheik. To be frank, I don't know if I'll watch Top Chef again next season. The finale was that underwhelming and the winner that unlikable. Maybe try changing some shit so, in the end, we're left with the actual best chef rather than some bitch ass cook that couldn't make a dessert for his life.

I've been watching the new Joss Whedeon series Dollhouse (and from the look of it, I might be the only one). Thus far, the show's by no means great, but is definitely entertaining. Honestly though, the sole reason to watch it is Eliza Dushku. Sweet mother of god is she fucking smoking. Plus she seems to be wearing less and less in each episode. It seems that Eliza always gets looked over when people are describing the hottest girls out there, and it's a shame. She is ridiculously hot. I would do terrible things to her. Awful things. If she became a lesbian I'd get a sex change operation to be with her. So please people, watch Dollhouse, just so we can keep Eliza Dushku on TV. Thanks

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